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Video of Pope Francis opening the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basilica to begin the Jubilee Year of Hope (ASL interpreted)

USCCB Information on Pilgrimage for those with Disabilities

USCCB Website with information on the Jubilee 2025

If you are a ministry office seeking information about how to make your Jubilee celebrations accessible to the Deaf or Hard of Hearing, please contact us at  

It is important for members to log in so they can access member-only features on the website, such as access to recorded webinars and other information.  The video above explains how to log in, change passwords, and other information about member features.  

Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy.  Then, a full hour is needed.  

- St. Francis de Sales, Patron Saint for the Deaf

7202 Buchanan St.

Landover Hills, MD  20784

VP/voice: 301-841-8209

NCOD is a 501(c)(3) organization

Copyright (c) National Catholic Office for the Deaf

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